
Saturday morning birds, long lie ins and strong coffee with jam on toast. Blow dried hair, Voluspa candlelight and a barely noticeable change of parting. Courtney Babycchino, healthy food shopping and plans to see Selma. Reading again, lighter evenings and smelling like rose water. A shared tapas meal for two; garlic chicken, rustic breads, olives, king prawns and lobster thermadore. White wine, a sleepy moonlit drive and the comfiest half-asleep snuggles to a western film. Shared showers, morning clean and bouncy soft curls. Red, red lips, tomato and pomegranate salad and ex-VAT sums that, for once, didn't blow my mind. 

This week:

Lunchtime listening to Stephen Fry and remembering why I admire him so;

Oh, and this;

A blog I've been seeking for some time;

Obsessed with copper/gold accents of Tom Dixon and Skultuna;

Dreaming of making these evening coffee treats;

Praying for sandy heat so I can enjoy this dusty blue baby;

In love with this DVF print (bonus points for orangey coral lips);


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